You’re supposed to visit the dentist every six months for a teeth cleaning. You should have your car’s oil changed every three months or 3,000 miles. What about air duct sealing in Weber County, UT? How often should this tasked be completed?
The answer to this question depends on several factors. How often do you use the system? Where do you live? Does anyone in your home have allergies? The answers to these questions help determine the appropriate frequency of air duct sealing in Weber County, UT. To decide what is best for your system, use the following guide.
Optimal Frequency for Air Duct Sealing: Every Three to Five Years
How long has it been since your last air duct cleaning or sealing? As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended that you complete air duct sealing in Weber County, UT every three to five years. It’s unlikely you would need to do this more than every two years.
New Owners
Did you just buy a home? It’s usually a good idea to put air duct sealing in Weber County, UT on your to-do list when you move into a new home. Often, you won’t know when the previous owners completed this task, so it’s a good time to start fresh. You may also want to ask the previous owner for the date of the last cleaning. However, this is often unknown, or the service might not have been done for a very long time, if at all.
New Construction
Have you just completed the construction of your dream home? When a home is being built, it’s easy for debris to build up in the ductwork. Drywall dust and other materials frequently flow about the property during construction. Once the home is completed, it’s a good idea to have the ducts cleaned and sealed to provide a clean start.
Home Remodeling
Have you updated the kitchen? Did you put on an addition? Renovation projects generate a lot of sawdust and debris. This can gather in the ductwork and affect HVAC performance. Once the home remodeling project is complete, it’s helpful to hire a professional for air duct sealing in Weber County, UT to finish the cleanup. You can also try to cover vents during renovations to prevent this buildup from happening in the first place, but it is difficult to achieve 100 percent protection.
Four-Legged Friends
Are there pets in the home? Animals shed dander and fur. This can quickly build up in the ducts. If you have four-legged pals who share the space with you, be sure to consult with your local air duct sealing in Weber County, UT to determine how often you should inspect, clean and repair your air ducts.
Contact the Experts
Would you like to enjoy cleaner air and a better operating system? Contact your local experts in air duct sealing in Weber County, UT to freshen your ducts. Fresh Ducts has specialized in duct cleaning and sealing, as well as dryer vent cleaning, for customers throughout the area since 1993. Contact our experienced team today with any questions or to schedule your next air duct sealing.